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An Ability refers to any attribute of a cat that is active in combat. According to Tyler Glaiel, there are over 1000 abilities in the game[1].


In Mewgenics, there exists two types of abilities:

  • Active Abilities, which represent actions that a cat can perform. Unlike passive abilities, active abilities require the cat to use a specific number of mana or otherwise they will be unable to perform said action.
  • Passive Abilities are abilities that are always active. In other words they must not cost mana to use and must perform their functionality regardeless of wether or not the player activated them. They can be thought of as modificators of sorts for cats, giving them bonuses like more damage on attacks under specific circumstances or amplifying debuffs. A cat can seemingly only possess two passive abilities at any given moment.

List of Abilities

The following list is a list with every single active ability a cat can perform in the game. For the sake of organization, each class in the game has their own table in their own category. As the game hasn't released, some of the abilities use excerpts from the development blog posts as their description. These descriptions are as such, in quotation marks, being wholly placeholder.

Additionally, some abilities may not have available icons. As such, these two images will be used as placeholders until a suitable replacement can be found.


Collarless, while functioning like any other class, is not meant to be used while adventuring. Being the base class of all cats prior to being assigned a different one, the Collarless set of abilities focus on filling spots in a cat's arsenal as opposed to being the focus. Unlike other class pools, any cat regardeless of class can get the offer to learn a collarless ability.

Active Abilities

Name Icon Status Dealt Mana Cost Description
Burst COLLARLESS Burst Icon.png DamageIcon.png 10 7 "High damage infinite range magical attack with a reasonable mana cost, however you can only cast it once per battle."
Butt Scoot COLLARLESS Unknown Active.png NoStatusIcon.png -- ? "Butt Scoot lets you move 1 tile in any direction and leave behind a maggot familiar when you do."
Copy Cat COLLARLESS Unknown Active.png UnknownIcon.png Depends on the last ability an allied cat used ? "Copy Cat is always a copy of the last ability an ally cat used."
Metronome COLLARLESS Unknown Active.png UnknownIcon.png Random ? "Upon use, casts a random cat ability (any ability cats can learn, classed or collarless). The cat will automatically target the ability it chooses (and its only gonna select abilities that have reasonable targets)."
Play Dead COLLARLESS Unknown Active.png NoStatusIcon.png -- ? "When you use play dead, you immediately down yourself, but do not get injured."
Ponder COLLARLESS Unknown Active.png NoStatusIcon.png -- 4 For the duration of the battle, increases Intelligence by 1.
Roll COLLARLESS Unknown Active.png NoStatusIcon.png -- ? "Roll is a simple movement ability that lets you roll up to 3 tiles away in a straight line, even through obstacles and enemies."
Spit COLLARLESS Unknown Active.png UnknownIcon.png 1 ? "Spit is an infinite range, 1-damage projectile attack with water element."
Stack the Deck COLLARLESS Unknown Active.png UnknownIcon.png -- 4 This cat' gets Luck Up 1.

Passive Abilities

Name Icon Description
Amplify COLLARLESS Amplify Icon.png You get +1 magic damage.
Dirty Claws COLLARLESS Unknown Passive.png "If you attack a poisoned or bleeding enemy with any physical attack or ability, Dirty Claws causes that enemy to gain an extra stack of Poison and/or Bleed."
Fast Footsies COLLARLESS Unknown Passive.png You're unaffected by negative tile effects.
Feather Feet COLLARLESS Unknown Passive.png Gain 1 speed
Might of the Meek COLLARLESS Unknown Passive.png "Any damage you deal that is 2 or less is always a critical hit."
Mini-Me COLLARLESS Mini-Me Icon.png "At the start of the battle spawn a half sized familiar version of yourself with half of your stats. Your mini-me has all of the same abilities and passives and items that you do, but is AI controlled (you better hope he does what you want!)"
Skill Share COLLARLESS Skill Share Icon.png "Skill Share is a passive that duplicates your other passive onto all of your other cats (during battle only)."
Worms COLLARLESS Unknown Passive.png This cat has a chance to spawn a maggot at the start of the turn.


Fighter's abilities are primarily focused on making himself stronger and stronger and dealing monstrous ammounts of damage to enemies. However, quite a few can be mana-intensive, which can be a detterent due to the Fighter's lower Intelligence stat, as Intelligence determines how much Mana a cat obtains after the player passes the turn.

Active Abilities

Name Icon Status Dealt Mana Cost Description
Berserk FIGHTER Berserk Icon.png NoStatusIcon.png -- 4 (Cat's Name) gets +5 Strength and Bruise 5. This ability becomes Berserker Dash.
Berserker Dash COLLARLESS Unknown Active.png UnknownIcon.png ? ? "Berserker Dash is a half range version of Dash with no knockback and a really cheap mana cost, however it does physical damage to yourself when you use it."
Cosmic Punch FIGHTER Cosmic Punch Icon.png DamageIcon.png 11 5 This cat punches something into SPACE!
Fire Punch FIGHTER Fire Punch Icon.png DamageIcon.png 6 7 An attack that inflicts Burn.
Fury Swipes FIGHTER Fury Swipes Icon.png DamageIcon.png 2x? 6 A weak attack with a chance to repeat multiple times.
Grapple FIGHTER Grapple Icon.png NoStatusIcon.png -- 6 (Cat's Name) immobilizes an enemy next to it for as long as the enemy is next to it.
Gravity Slam COLLARLESS Unknown Active.png NoStatusIcon.png -- ? "Gravity Slam has you jump to an empty tile then pulls all enemies in a large range towards you."
Inhale FIGHTER Inhale Icon.png NoStatusIcon.png -- 3 (Cat's Name) pulls all units in a line in front of him three tiles towards him.
Push FIGHTER Push Icon.png NoStatusIcon.png -- 2 (Cat's Name) pushes an adjacent unit back a tile.
One-Two Punch FIGHTER One-Two Punch Icon.png DamageIcon.png 4x2 8 (Cat's Name) hits 'em with the old one-two. Each punch inflicts Bruise 1.
Think Too Hard COLLARLESS Unknown Active.png NoStatusIcon.png -- ? "Think Too Hard is a very low mana cost ability that makes you take damage equal to your intelligence, then the next spell you cast is free!"
Tumble FIGHTER Tumble Icon.png NoStatusIcon.png -- 2 (Cat's Name) moves one tile diagonally.

Passive Abilities

Name Icon Description
Dumb Claws COLLARLESS Unknown Passive.png "Every time you take damage, you lose 1 intelligence (just for the fight). While you have 4 or less intelligence, you get +2 strength and your basic attack inflicts Bruise. If your intelligence is 0 (or less...), you have +100% critical hit chance."
Hit Me COLLARLESS Unknown Passive.png "Every time you take damage from an ally, you automatically use your basic attack in the direction you're facing. Damage from allies is reduced to 1."
Undercat FIGHTER Undercat Icon.png "You have +2 Strength and +1 Brace (damage reduction) for every adjacent enemy."


Mages are the player's main spellcasting class in the game. They possess alot of magic-oriented elemental abilities and high Intelligence, meaning the player will able to use their active abilities very often. Knowledge of how the elements work is a key part of utilizing the mage's strengths to the maximum.

Active Abilities

Name Icon Status Dealt Mana Cost Description
Bolt DamageIcon.png ? ? "Its an electric element spell that has a small chance to stun whatever you hit with it."
Energy Blast DamageIcon.png 10 7 This cat casts a high damage single target spell.
Forbidden Flame DamageIcon.png ? 0 (Cat's Name) damages all enemy units and burns the entire map. This spell can be cast only once in battle. There will be consequences.
Forbidden Flood DamageIcon.png 10 0 (Cat's Name) knocks back and damages all enemy units and floods the entire map. This spell can be cast only once in battle. There will be consequences.
Shatter DamageIcon.png 1 4 This cat makes a weak melee attack. This instantly kills frozen units. If the unit was a boss, it instead does 15 damage, inflicts slow 2, and removes frozen.
Switch NoStatusIcon.png -- 5 This cat switches position with any unit.
Surf MAGE Surf Icon.png DamageIcon.png 3 7 Big AOE water spell with knockback.

Passive Abilities

Name Icon Description
No known passives No known passives


Utilizes both ranged and melee attacks combined with mobility to kill. This cat maybe even steal from even the most dangerous of enemies.

Active Abilities

Name Icon Status Dealt Mana Cost Description
Assassinate NoStatusIcon.png? ? "Assassinate is a very high damage attack with increased critical hit chance. The only catch is, you can only use it from behind."
Backflip NoStatusIcon.png? ? "Backflip is an evasive ability that causes you to backflip out of the way of an attack from an enemy, before the enemy makes the attack!"
Cheat NoStatusIcon.png ? ? "Cheat increases your Luck by 5 until your next turn."
Coin Toss NoStatusIcon.png ? 4 This cat throws a coin at a unit. RELOAD: Collect a coin.
Stalk NoStatusIcon.png ? ? "Stalk lets you target any enemy on the map (infinite range!), then at the start of your next turn you will automatically teleport directly behind them, even if they moved off their original position."
Steal Kidney THIEF StealKidneyIcon.png NoStatusIcon.png ? ? "Steal Kidney is a weak melee attack, however if it crits, and your trinket/consumable item slot is empty, you steal a kidney! A kidney is a consumable item that you can eat to heal 10 health and cleanse off any debuffs you had."

Passive Abilities

Name Icon Description
Swift Looter This cat may use her basic movement action again whenever they pick up a coin.


Here to tank the damage for your team, very proficient with rocks.

Active Abilities

Name Icon Status Dealt Mana Cost Description
Body Guard UnknownIcon.png ? ? The next time an allied unit is targeted by an enemy unit, (Cat's Name) switches place with the allied unit.
Batter Up UnknownIcon.png ? ? (Cat's Name) whacks an enemy unit back 10 tiles.
Toss UnknownIcon.png ? ? (Cat's Name) throws a neighboring unit far away.

Passive Abilities

Name Icon Description
Cat-A-Pult "Cat-A-Pult causes all of your allies to have their movement ability replaced with Cat-A-Pult if they are standing next to you, which is an infinite range toss from the tank."
Chain Knockback "Collision damage you cause causes knockback. As a bonus it also makes all knockback you cause go 1 tile farther."
Pet Rocks "All rocks you spawn are alive! Also you spawn one rock at the start of combat. Pet rocks take turns and can knock themselves into your enemies if they have a clear path."
My Leg! Every injury you get is Broken Leg. If you have 4 broken legs, gain Thorns 4, Trample 3, and cats standing next to this cat have Toss as a bonus ability.


The support class, he can heal and buff, but wont be of much use on his own.

Active Abilities

Name Icon Status Dealt Mana Cost Description
Rally charge HealingIcon.png 5 8 Dash forward and heal and ally and give them a stat up.
Witch hunt NoStatusIcon.png -- 4 Mark an enemy, when that enemy is killed, the killer gets an all stat up.
Wish HealingIcon.png 10 3 Charge-up high heal for next turn.

Passive Abilities

Name Icon Description
Sharing is Caring Whenever (Cat's Name) picks up a non-coin pickup, her allied unit gets the same effect.


  • Mage is, so far, the only class known to have a cut ability: Enlarge. Enlarge, upon being activated, would've increased the size of the cat and would've made it so that the cat would've trampled anything it touched. The earliest mention of this ability was on the 28th of March, 2021[2]. An animated GIF featuring the ability in action can be seen here.
    • However, by the 30th of July, 2022, the ability was already cut months prior, not appearing in any ability pools but still being in the game's code. According to Tyler, the reason why it was cut was because the ability became too troublesome to work with, to the point that when he tried to use it in-game, the game crashed[3].