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The player's home is the primary setting for the gameplay of Mewgenics when the player is not adventuring. In this mode, players can place down furniture, tend to their cats, store items and send teams of cats on adventures.


Furniture Tab

Furniture can be placed around the house and grant various effects. It is obtained mainly by buying it from Jack, but there are other ways to. As of May 27th 2024, nothing has been revealed about their functionality, so this section is WIP

Examine Cat Mode

This allows you to see any owned cat's stats, abilities, afflictions, etc.

Item Storage

Item storage is where you store the items you found while adventuring.

The Map

The Map is the place from which you access shops and NPCs, see the favor you have with them and learn about new quests. WIP

Passing Days

Mewgenics PassDay Example.png

By pressing the "PASS DAY" sign above the adventure box, the player is allowed to pass to the next in-game day at the cost of 1 Food per Cat. If this cost cannot be paid, some cats may starve and die. In the progression to the next day, a multitude of events might happen, such as two cats breeding or getting into a fight, the latter of which can result in the death of either cat, or nothing at all.

Stray Cats

As days pass, stray cats may wander up to your house. They can be taken into your home to replace old cats in your adventuring party and diversify the genepool. Some strays may even be references to characters in other media.


WIP... Frank apparently can upgrade the player's house as he is the last architect in Boone County.



  • In the original prototype of Mewgenics, the House had a bigger role and served as the overall primary gameplay space as the concept of adventuring didn't exist.