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Classes are a central part of a cat. Although all cats are naturally born without one, cats will be given a choice to be assigned a class when they're sent on adventures.

Main Classes

These are the main classes of the game, always available when going on an adventure:


A cat with the Fighter class

The Fighter is a class denoted by a red fur color. They specialize in melee attacks and can have the highest damage output of any class, but suffer from a lack of Intelligence, since a lot of their abilities lower it. Their basic attack is a simple punch that can become very menacing due to the multitude of ways Fighters can increase their damage.[1]


A cat belonging to the Tank class

The Tank is, as the name implies, the damage sponge of the classes, recognizable from their brown fur & guarding other party members from harm. However, they are also responsible for area control, flinging friends, foes and stones alike to position everything for a favorable outcome, as such they require planning ahead to use effectively. Their basic attack is a headbutt that pushes things one space in the direction of the attack.[2]


A cat of the Hunter variety

The green-furred Hunter's specialty is ranged attacks, status effects and familiars. While very versatile and capable of both offense and support on the entire field, they don't have the best Costitution and have a hard time defending themselves from nearby threats, so defense is required. Their basic attack flings a projectile that flies above obstacles, but can't hit up close.[3]


A specimen of the Cleric class

The white Cleric's main job is to keep the party in working condition. Their arsenal consists mainly of healing moves, but also has some holy magic. Despite all this, Clerics aren't exactly quick, so other cats will have to guard it a bit. Their basic attack is a holy spell that, depending on who it is used on, harms enemies or heals allies.[4]


A cat with a Mage collar

These blue furballs are Mages. Easily the most versatile of any class, Mage's main pro is the variety of elemental magic they wield, which can do many, many things. Elements have a huge variety of interactions with grid objects, and knowing how your moves synergize with the environment is key to using the Mage to their fullest potential. Despite all this, their basic attack is pitiful, so put that Intelligence to use![5]


A Thief-shaped kitten.

The Thief is a yellow speedster, darting around the battlefield and pulling new tricks out their sleeves quicker than other classes ever could. Sure, their health pool is very low, but they compensate for it with evasive abilities. The Thief's basic attack is a nail throw that only hits in cardinal directions, so just like with most of their other abilities, good positioning is a must.

Secret classes

These classes cannot be obtained via the usual collar method and have to be acquired with different means. WIP