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Birds are rare type of enemies in Mewgenics. Despite being enemies, they are wholly neutral and never attack any other units.


In general, Birds are peaceful enemies with a low chance of appearing when the player enters the current level. Their turns consist of moving to random tiles and they never interact with other units and when moving, they ignore hazards such as brambles. After a few turns, birds will fly out of the level, leaving the combat. However, if killed prior to flying out, birds will grant special rewards to the unit that killed it.


  • Birds are unique in the fact that they are entirely optional. If players decide that they do not want to, they can just ignore the bird(s) alltogether. However, birds can grant bonuses like all stats up to their killers, which can be beneficial to the player's cats. As such, it's advised that if the player decides to go through with killing the bird, that the player kills it as soon as possible.
    • However, some enemies such as the Peashy have the ability to target other enemy units. With Peashy, it's a more accentuated case as it grows stronger by killing units, which may put increased pressure on the player to kill the bird.
  • There are special interactions if the bird is killed by special means:
    • If a bird is killed by lightning, it'll turn into cooked food;
    • If a bird is killed by a static object, it'll die without granting any unit it's bonus.

List of Birds

Types UI Portrait Idle Sprite Description
Chicken Chicken UI Portrait.png Get image Passive. Whoever kills this gains an all stats up and

finds a bonus at the end of combat.

Crow Crow UI Portrait.png Crow Sprite Idle F.gif ?
Pigeon Get image Get image ?
Seagull Get image Get image ?
Turkey Get image Get image ?


  • The inclusion of birds as an enemy type could be a reference as to how cats tend to hunt down birds.