Chubs 'n' Nubs

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Chubs 'n' Nubs are a pair of bosses in Mewgenics. Fought together, they are blind, headless dogs that guard The Junkyard, where they are also encountered.


Chubs 'n' Nubs share similiar behaviour although with slight divergences. Both are blind and react upon taking damage. As a result of their blindness, where they move and attack is random.


In general:

  • Both Chubs and Nubs are blind.

For Chubs:

  • When damaged, Chubs spits "neck juice" from where his head should've been, hitting everything up to 3 tiles infront of him. This attack also applies poison on the units hit by the attack and as such it's recommend to avoid being infront of Chubs.

For Nubs:

  • When damaged, Nubs will spit out a lobbed projectile that upon landing, creates a puddle of toxic waste.



  • Chubs 'n' Nubs are the only instances of dogs in the game.
  • The fact that Chubs 'n' Nubs are still alive despite being decapitated could be a reference to Mike the Headless Chicken, a Wyandotte Chicken who managed to survive for 18 months after having his head cut off.
