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Korbee is a enemy in Mewgenics. It is a grey fetus creature with several tumors on it's body and that sucks in other units and spits them back out as projectiles.


As the game hasn't released, detailed information on Korbee's behaviour is sparse. Korbee's main mechanic and main form of attack is by sucking in units and spitting them out. Korbee will attempt to approach one of the enemy units. Once it is lined up with it's target on a cardinal direction and up to 3 tiles away from them, Korbee will suck in it's target, temporarily removing it from the field.


  • ?



  • Korbee might be a reference to the Nintendo character Kirby. Additionally, Korbee's ability to suck in and spit out enemies is also shared with Kirby.
    • To further evidentiate this, it's possible that Korbee's codename is "Kirby Fetus".[1]
