Radical Rat

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Don't you dare defuse my bombs!

Radical Rat is a boss in Mewgenics. He is a giant rat wearing sunglasses that throws bombs at the player. He is found in The Alley.


As the game hasn't released, information on Radical Rat's behaviour is sparse. On each one of his bonus turns, he will toss a Rat Bomb next to the player's cats. When a bomb land downs in the field, a cross patern will appear on nearby tiles, highliting the tiles that will be affected once the bomb explodes. These bombs can be defused, preventing them from exploding unless the explosion from another bomb triggers it to explode. On his last turn of the round, Radical Rat will activate the "Turtle" ability, hiding himself inside of a trash bin and detonating all bombs in the field that aren't defused.


  • If it happens to be raining, the boss becomes laughably easy to defeat, as the rain will automatically put out the bombs.[1]



  • Radical Rat is possibly based on the Mouser boss from Super Mario Bros. 2, as both are rats wearing shades fought as bosses that throw bombs.
  • Radical Rat's Rat Bombs exploding in a cross pattern is a possible refference to the Bomberman series, as that series' gameplay is centered around placing down bombs that explode in a cross pattern to eliminate rival players.
