Crystalline Dreams

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Crystalline Dreams is a song in Mewgenics. This is the song of The Caves. The lyrics talk about a spider describing themselves as they threaten something else, likely the player's cats.


I've got eight hairy legs, gonna wrap them around you...
Don't be afraid of moving closer
Down in this cave's rollercoaster
Into my web... into my web!

I've got four pairs of eyes, to seek out and find you...
Here in the dark, i can see you
Fearing your way, the stench will guide you...
To your demise... to your demise!

Silky threads feel like a snuggle,
But getting loose is a struggle!
I've wrapped you up, like a mummy!
Now on your elbows, suckin' your blood,
Snacking on your toes!

Once you are trapped, my two fangs will pierce you...
The end will be fast but not painless.
One last gasp, as you fade to...
Crystalline Dreams... Crystalline Dreams!

Littered with bones, these threads will astound you...
Try to get past my sticky fibers,
Knowing your flesh is my heart's desire!
Feasting on you... feasting on you!

Feeling a tug... or gauze on our wings...
I see you, and you see me,
The fear you feel is all i need!
Swallow your soul... swallow your soul!

Silky threads feel like a snuggle,
But getting loose is a struggle!
I've wrapped you up, like a mummy!
Now on your elbows, suckin' your blood,
Snacking on your toes!

It's not the end... it's only the beggining...
Once you're inside, you'll feel the surge.
Your blood into mine, our marrows will merge...
Tasting your bones... tasting your bones...


YouTube Release (Animated)
YouTube Release


  • The YouTube release of this song was incorrectly named as "Crystaline Dreams". This was fixed on the day after the song was uploaded to YouTube.